Monday, August 22, 2011


I recently got back to New York from San Diego and a vacation home that left me refreshed and happy. I had an amazing time, met someone really special, and loved getting to see the family again. Now I have a week to get my head focussed, get back on the work grind, and muscle out my last year of graduate school. I'm feeling very optimistic and have a feeling that this is the year where life is going to fall into place. I just have to stay focussed and keep surrounding myself with positivity. I'm currently out here on my terrace reading and enjoying our beautiful brooklyn view.
Perfect way to relax before school kicks in!


Monday, August 1, 2011


Going to miss coming in everyday and seeing this line up. Today is my last day at Art Partner and this was the most amazing experience ever here. I will hopefully be coming back very soon but for now I am off to California for a 2 week vacation. Hello San Diego and zero humidity : )