Tuesday, June 14, 2011

On Set With Alasdair Mclellan

Hello Bloggers,
It has been a while since I have wrote but I would like to say I am back and sorry about the hiatus. I have been in the spectrum of a lot of big projects and with my Summer class coming to a wrap I would like to announce that I am officially back.

One of my most recent efforts have taken me on set with one of my favorite photographers Alasdair Mclellan as a Jr. Producer. This was one hell of an experience that put me in contact with some great people and friends like Anthony Turner and Aaron De May. I also got to chat on set with some of the greatest models in the industry right now such as Lindsey Wixon, Simon Nessman, and Cohl and Yuri. (My pic of Cohl and Yuri below)

This upcoming month will be great for me, working on thesis (ALL MODELS PLEASE MESSAGE ME AT ALEXINGRAMMEDIA@GMAIL.COM )getting a new apt, going to Cali for a couple of weeks, and starting the last year of my school career.

Would love to hear everyones comments.
